Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Annie and the Economy.....

I should have posted this blog back when I got Annie but... better late than never, right?

When I first picked Annie up she was wearing a little hoodie jacket that clearly brought her irresistibility to a new level! She was very obedient from the start. It was obvious that she had already become friendly and familiar with her foster folks in Maine because as we drove away she was looking out the back window for them :'( It was very sad but I knew it was for the best. For those of you just reading now, Annie was previously with a foster home in Maine that had other dogs that she did not get along with so FOHA (friend of homeless animals non-profit org) organized a transfer for Annie to a home without dogs or cats (my house!).  After the initial shock of being separated, Annie calmed down and sat patiently in our back seat. She was panting a little but overall not stressed, She lied down eventually to rest. I couldn't resist her adorable face, so I took this picture with my cell phone and immediately texted all my friends exclaiming, "Annie has arrived!".  Each response was with eager anticipation of meeting her as well as support for the rescue of another homeless animal... Annie is an innocent victim of home foreclosures and the result of the economic slump. :( Everyone feels it - some without knowing it! To assist in fostering or adopting homeless animals please visit the FOHA website as well as the list on petfinder.com of adoptable animals.

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