Annie arrived on saturday December 6th and we now know quite a bit more about her...
First and foremost, Annie is NOT good with other dogs. She had an incident with our dogs the first night and we have determined that she would do best in a home as an only dog.
We had been told by her former owner that she was good with other dogs. I don't believe this was a lie since she has lived with other dogs, but I do believe that she has not necessarily been exposed to strange dogs, and in combination with the stress of being separated from her family and the long transport from Tennessee, she lashed out aggressively.
We are currently working with a behaviorist and are laying out a behavioral modification program for Annie, and as her foster mom, and a behaviorist in training, I will be more than happy to continue working with her with her potential adopters, even after she is adopted...
Annie is not, however, aggressive with people. She is living separated from the other dogs in her foster home, and is an all around happy, friendly girl with all people she meets! She is very affectionate and loves to snuggle. She loves to go for walks and is very good on a leash. She is a large girl, overweight at about 40 lbs, but even at a healthy weight she should probably weigh in at about 30-35 lbs, so she is just a big girl. Because of her size we would not recommend her to a home with young children. Homes with older children or teenagers will be considered on a case basis.
She can be a bit bossy if given the chance and might not be a dog for an inexperienced dog owner. But with a calm, assertive approach she listens well and is a very good girl! She has shown mild toy possessiveness by growling, but a firm "no" and removing the toy until she is calm takes care of it. She is still very stressed and will act a bit worked up, so by encouraging calm behavior she gets a chance to relax.
She is an overall low energy dog and an all around couch potato. She does love her walks are they are great for her to socialize and get exercise, but that's really all she needs. She is a content dog that just wants to be around you. She loves to sleep in bed with you (but will sleep on a dogbed or crate if you prefer). If she can lay on the sofa next to you while you watch TV she'll be the happiest girl in the world...
She had a rectal prolapse 8 years ago (scroll down to a previous post for a link on the topic), but had surgery at it is completely under control, as long as she is on a low-fat dry dog food (right now she eats Solid Gold Hund-N-Flocken). NO human food! It could aggravate a reoccurrence... But overall, besides being overweight, she is in great shape and no one would ever think she was 11! She has a sweet, young face with no grays and a beautiful velvety soft coat.
She would make a wonderful companion for a couple or single person who doesn't mind that Annie can't be around other animals. She is a great people-dog and would make someone a great buddy!
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